Against the Tide: The Story of Watchman Nee
by Angus Kinnear
This account of the life and ministry of Watchman Nee is presented from the standpoint of an observer at a distance who has at no time been involved in the China scene. When in 1938, as a young missionary about to leave Britain for India, I was privileged to spend some valuable weeks with him, I found my whole outlook on Christian life and service greatly enriched and given a fresh direction and purpose; and now that there has fallen to my lot the task of setting his remarkable story in writing he has once again profoundly affected my thinking. For, as one might expect, his message proves to be inextricably woven into his life. By setting the one in the context of the other and making full use of his own many interpretive anecdotes, we are able to trace Gods hand in the course of his pilgrimage through a scene of world-shaking events.
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Source: Kinnear, Angus. Against the Tide: The Story of Watchman Nee. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1978: 9-10.
